Paula Pereira, CEMICAMP research nurse, defends her master's degree

doctor Luis Bahamondes and Nurse Paula Pereira

CEMICAMP student and employee Nurse Paula da Cunha Pereira defended her master's thesis entitled “KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST OF WOMEN AND DOCTORS RESIDENTS IN GYNECOLOGY ABOUT CELL PHONE APPLICATIONS FOR NATURAL CONTRACEPTION”in the green room of the FCM-UNICAMP Graduate Program. We congratulate Nurse Paula for this achievement and for the exquisite work carried out.

Doctor Cassia Juliato, Nurse Paula Pereira, on screen Dr. Jose Maria Soares Junior and Dr. Luis Bahamondes

Dr Montas Laporte, fellow of the OAS – Organization of American States, defends his doctorate

On November 8, 2022, doctoral student Dr. Montas Laporte, defended his thesis entitled:

“Clinical aspects of the use and insertion of the hormonal intrauterine device (52mg) and the copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD-Tcu380A)”.

Under the guidance of Prof. doctor Luis Bahamondes, president of CEMICAMP. The Doctor. Montas received a scholarship fromOAS – Organization of American States and has been part of several HUB/WHO/CEMICAMP studies. Congratulations Dr. Mounts for conquest!

doctor Montas Laporte and Prof. doctor Luis Bahamondes