Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights: The contribution of Social Science Research

Organized by: Maria José Duarte Osis and Luis Bahamondes In memory: Ellen Hardy

How to write a research protocol

Edição 2013In memoriam: Ellen Hardy Review: Dr. Luis Bahamondes

The drama of abortion – in search of a consensus

Authors: Prof. Aníbal Faúndes and Dr. José Barzelatto Pages: 303 Editora: Komedi R$ 30,00 + preço do correio Pedidos: cemicamp@cemicamp.org.brOu pelo telefone: (19) 3289-2856 RL 210/211

El drama del abortion – in search of a consensus

Autores: Prof. Aníbal Faúndes e Dr. José Barzelatto Páginas: 303 Editora: Tercer Mundo Pedidos: Grupo Tercer Mundo de Colombia Sr. Hector Prado – hectorpradomisas@hotmail.com

Instructions for writing a research project

Orders: Telephone: (19) 3289-2856 Fax: (19) 3289-2440 R$ 20.00 + postage price Synopsis: This book was revised in 2012, and aims to assist in the preparation of a research protocol, indicating the general lines and some sources of information. The text is specifically addressed to graduate students.

Memoirs of La Asociación Latino Americana from researchers in human reproduction

Author: Ellen Hardy (org.) Páginas: 113 Editora: Hortográfica Fornecedor: Cemicamp R$ 15,00 + preço do correio Pedidos: Telefone: (19) 3289-2856 e Fax: (19) 3289-2440 Sinopse: Coletânea de textos de conferências ditadas durante as reuniões bianuais da ALIRH. It makes available the texts of outstanding members of the Association. It includes the statute approved in 1999 (Chile) and the statute of the Programa Latinoamericano de Capacitación e Investigación en Reproducción Humana (PLACIRH), the financial arm of ALIRH.